
Multum in Parvo

Transcribed from the Manly P Hall collection

The Eagle's Gluten is our Double Mercury, called Azoth [composed of our Luna and secret fire].

The Blood of the Lion is Gold, Mercurialised and volatilised in the Azoth.

The Chalybs of Sendivogius is ∆∆∆♁♂, which is the first and the Coagulated Mercury of the Philosophers, but it must be highly pure.

The other Chalybs of Sendivogius which he calls, the beginning of our work, is Azoth.

The Child [gold] becomes food for the parents [namely the ☿ of ♁ and ♂, i.e. the ∆∆∆♁♂] by the medium of ☿♎ in the Azoth.

The Philosophical sublimation is a subtilisation, ascension and descension in fumes, in one vessel.

The Sal Ammoniac of Sendivogius and Artephius, and the Ostriches Stomach of Paracelsus is ☿♎, our second Philosophical Mercury, the Mover and Secret Fire

Count Bernard's Fountain is our mineral mercurial water, that is Azoth, from the mine of Saturn: — That is ∆∆∆♁♂ and ☿ of ☿♎ āāāted together, not by hands, but by Nature, in which the King [☉] bathes himself.

The Philosophers Mercury, which dissolves gold and silver, is a dry mercury, otherwise it could not be coagulated with the perfect metals.

This is our Azoth, the Philosophers water, which is a dry water, revivified by Nature in Azoth

The central sulphureous Salt of the perfect Red Sulphur, of the Red Stone, is extracted for a glorious medicine by Rectified Spirit of Wine. This gives a quintessence of a Ruby colour of much sweetness, and of a fragrant smell; which must be taken in White Wine.

The two mercurial substances of Count Bernard Trevisan, are ∆∆∆♁♂, and ☿♎, of one root, namely of the Root of Gold.

These three united form Azoth the Fountain of Count Bernard, in which the King bathes himself, dies and is regenerated; and himself, his queen and the fountain are united in death and resuscitated in a glorified spiritual body [R. alba et rubea].

The Philosophers Garden in Flamel is the Glass; the Earth or Ground is ∆∆∆♁♂ purissimus; the Tree, Root or Seed is ☉ in Rebis.

The water or dew is Azoth, the ☿ of ☿ in our āāā.

The Vinegar of the mountains of Sol and Luna mentione by Artephius is Azoth, our philosophical mercury amalgamated and washed, [not manually, but by Nature in the Glass].

The preparation of our Sophic ☿ [the first coagulated mercury] requires a strong heat; but the digestion of Azoth must be commenced with a gentle heat and continued so, until a circulation of vapours, which are mercurial, is established; which vapours dry up; complete putrefaction takes place, in a black dry substance, which remains a long time; the matter liquifies again, and then increasing the heat a little the vapours circulate again and finally dry up, and passing through various colours, the work terminates in a bright silver-white powder.


The Process of Leona Constantia

Lady Abbess of the Convent of Clermont.

Translated from the German Work, entitled, The Sun-Flower of the Wise. [Sonnenblume der Weisen, 1704(?)]
Transcribed from the Manly P Hall collection
(Fairly certain this is a copy of exceprts and annotations by Bacstrom, MS. 46)

From a pure motive I will sincerely teach the earnest enquirer after Our Stone, in open language, how and by what means he may prepare the Great Tincture:

Let the two heroes Saturn [♁] and Mars [iron] fight together. Though the former inclines to peace let them have three or four violent assaults. After this they will be reconciled and as a token thereof they will erect a glorious banner, resembling a Star [ That is add ♂ to ♁ and make the Stary ∆∆∆: this will be effected by using nitre in its cleansing which occasions the battle here alluded to]

To these heroes, now reconciled, who have fatigued themselves much by the battle, you must admister (sic) the Water of Life [our Secret fire] which water must have been well rectified [well cleansed by sublimation].

By the use of this Water of Life these conquering warriors will make an eternal indissoluble alliance [being resolved into unctuous azoth] and as a token of this the two Doves of Diana will appear, carrying the olive branch in their bill.

That the whole world may be informed of this peace a Herald appears who proclaims this peace seven or nine times — The contrary natures are united — after many heavy storms which tore the rocks asunder, after earthquakes, after the all devouring fire has ceased, a still, soft rest ensues. Whosoever has ears, let him hear. [The seven or nine heralds seem to allude to the number of months required to perfect the work].

In these few words our whole art lies concealed. The coagulation of our water [water of life] and the solution of our earth [viz Rebis; for ☉ must be joined to our Luna before adding the water] are the two greatest and most difficult labours.

Every person knows how to boil water over a fire, but if they knew how to boil fire in water their knowledge would show them a different work from that of the Kitchen.


There appears to be some mystery regarding the author of the Sonnenblume der Weisen, this copy (1749) is annotated with "Leade", and McLean also notes the identification of Constantia with Jane Lead (or "Johanna Leade"). Now, a "Leona Constantia" was admitted to Comte de Chazals's Sociatas Rosae Crucis in 1796. But Jane Lead died in 1704, and according to Liborius ab Indagine, Leona Constantia died in 1716. The issue appears completely confused.