Transcribed by F. Sherwood Taylor from MS Ashmole 1445 in Chymia, Vol. 1 (1948), pp. 23-35
A fragment was published in Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum.
The Argument Betweene Morien The Father
& Merline The Sonne
How The Philosophers' Stone Should Be Wrought.
Son: | As the Child Merlin sat on hys father's knee. |
Blesse me Father he said for love and Charitie | |
For I have sought divers Countryes to and fro | |
And so will I yet do many mo, | |
To seeke Philosophy that Clarkes do reade | |
If I coude of the perfect knowledge thereof spede | |
And ther for ffather for charite | |
Som good comfort herin give thou me. | |
Fa: | Son seech goodnes that grace thereof mai spryng |
For fortune may be with thee by vertuous lyvyng. | |
Son: | Quoth Merlyn wyth grace Father we must bigyn |
Or else good end can we non ever wyn | |
Nowe dere Father for Chariti saye the | |
In thys Scyence now help thou me | |
I have sought and enquired ther for mani a day | |
But yet my purpose therein I coude never get I say | |
And ther for in mani wildsome Cuntrys have I gon | |
But as yet perfeit Elixir coude I find non. | |
Fa: | What sekest thou therefor sayd Morien |
All thie tyme therein thou spendest in vayne | |
Much Philosophy thou maist finde in Scripture | |
Son: | Alle to mych quoth Merlyn for therin is but lytle sure |
And therfor Father myne a vowe to mani have I made | |
That I will have one point therin that never was yet had. | |
Fa: | It ys ympossible quoth Morien I wynn |
For as good Philosophers bifor hath bynn | |
As ever was, or any other since thou wert borne | |
Wher for thy labor is alle forlorne | |
For reason would that he shoulde have the best | |
And ther for desyne thou now but that or the next. | |
Son: | Never none quoth Merlyn as yet coude I fynde |
For all they worketh agaynst nature and kynde | |
ffor they that Salte and Corasives do take | |
No cleane mettall can they ever make | |
ffor yt hath so much of saltnes | |
That yt swelleth it sone and makyth it full of rankness | |
Worke yt by nature and it shall not be soe | |
For thus thie work would alwayes be do. | |
Fa: | Wythout Salte quoth Morien thou canst nought doe |
Son: | Naye quoth Merlyn ther schale come non therto |
For yt ys but a poesie of Phylosofrys words derke | |
What weene ye ffurther that God wyll miracle warke. | |
Weene ye to graff good Peres upon an Elder tree | |
Or Cheryes on a Cole Stock nay nay father yt wyl not be | |
For brambles wyl beare no grapes greene | |
Nor the Walnut tre bear good Aples I weene | |
And ther for graff kyndly yee that graffers be | |
And then ye schale have good frute, prove and se | |
Braunches that be graff on stoke good and sure | |
The frute therof schale never rott but ever endure. | |
And yt schalbe the sweter of swete savour | |
And more comly of fresh colour | |
And thus worke by Nature kynde and cunning | |
For every nature by kynde hys nature wyll forthbring | |
And there for I preve the work all contrary | |
For God never made thynge but one naturally | |
And that was mankynde alone | |
For in all other thyngs, nature is none. | |
Fa: | Yes quoth Morien and that schale I preve |
Son: | Not by Astronomi quoth Merlyn I doe beleve |
For Man was made of one Nature I se | |
Fa: | One nature quoth Moryen what mai yt be |
Son: | Of fowle corruption quoth Merlyn I weene |
And of a fowle matter that was unclene | |
And that matter was tempered with the Elementes alle | |
Wythout wych Elements no man mai live and yt prove I schale | |
For God made the Elements hymselfe | |
And so he dyd the Planets and sygnes twelfe | |
And alsoe God made Man after hys owne lyknesse | |
And Planets and Sygnes more and lesse | |
In the mould of Man ther place thei tooke | |
And of the figure of the shape of Chryst as sath the booke. | |
Fa: | What are planets and sygnes quoth Moryen. |
The Sun the Moone and Starrs quoth Merlyn agen | |
The wych lightened unto Man as he on th'erth laye | |
ffor he hath the similitude of our lord I saye | |
And of the Man the woman was wrought | |
And so much fruite forth they brought | |
To multipli the worke of our heaven and kynge | |
And yet come thei alle but of on only thyng | |
Fa: | Of on thyng quoth Moryen what mai yt be |
Son: | The slipth or skyn of the Erth so saie I |
Fa: | And Erth it was som men would saie |
Son: | And yet yt was neyther clene erth sand nor clay |
But the feces of the Erth and yt was of Colour gray | |
And it turned into Erth, as yt on the Erth laie | |
And the water torned into blud to make men strong | |
The Air and the Fire was medled these among | |
Fa: | How Air and Fire quoth Moryen |
Son: | Through the worke of God quoth Merlyn. |
The brightness of the holy Ghost ys Air | |
And the light that he gevith of lyfe in any lyvyng thyng ys fyr. | |
Fa: | Where hast thou gon to lerne all thes |
For the thyng thou sayest is very true I wysse | |
Son sayd Moryen who hath thi Master bee | |
That thys high wysdome hath tought to the. | |
Son: | No other quoth Merlyn but our heavenly King |
And my symple wytt theron ever studyeing | |
Fa: | Yea but in thys Craft thou studyest and spedest nought |
And yet wyth foure spirits yt must be wrought. | |
Son: | Your Spyryts are to wyld quoth Merlyn againe. |
And therefore I will not have to do with them certaine | |
ffor I would have to do wyth a spirit made by kynde naturally | |
that wyll abyde with any body kyndly. | |
Fa: | Such a Spyryt coulde I make quoth Moryen |
But yet neer would hold yt but in vayne; | |
And yet of alle worke yt ys the best | |
And lest of Cost and most assurest | |
ffor yf that fayle then have we don alle | |
ffor the most perfit work we yt cale | |
ffor yt ys so rych when yt ys wrought | |
That if alle the worlde were turn'd to nought | |
As mani bodies would again make he | |
As ever was or ever should be | |
But I wyl teach yt to no manner of Creature | |
Except he be of Condicicion good and sure | |
Son: | Why so quoth Merlyn I you pray. |
Fa: | ffor soth son quoth Moryen I shall to thee say |
Who so could thys work perfectly know and see | |
The avayle thereof so great might be | |
That some men thereof should be so proude and stoute | |
That thei would not know the pore people that came them about | |
And somme of them would be soe full of Joy and delight | |
That thei would forget the Lord God that ys so full of myght | |
And then their sowles were lorne and yt were great pittie | |
And therfore yt shall not be tought for me. | |
Son: | That ys well don quoth Merlyn that it so be |
But for chariti father teach yow yt me. | |
Fa: | My son quoth Moryen yt shall I not |
Nor no man els that ever yet had wrought | |
Son: | Yes truli father that must you do |
Or els my heart will soone burst in two | |
Father of manners I am both stable and good | |
And I am of your flesh and also of your blood | |
Father to whome should you teach it but unto me. | |
Fa: | Nay my der Son yt schale never be |
Son: | Alas father that ever I was borne |
ffor well I know that I am now forlorne | |
Except there for that I this cunning have | |
My lyfe truly can you not save. | |
Then he fell downe ded short tale for to make | |
And his father then did him up take. | |
Fa: | And said son upon condicicon I shall thee leare |
So that thou wylt on the Sacrament sweare. | |
That thou shalt never write it in scripture | |
Nor teach yt to no man except thou be sure | |
That he is a perfeit man to God and also full of chariti. | |
Doing alle waies good deede and that he be full of humilitie | |
And that you know him not in lowde words but alwaies soft & still | |
And alie so preve whether his life be good or yll | |
And alle this shal thou sweare and alle so make a vow | |
If thou wylt have thys Cunning of me now | |
And the same Oath on booke they make to thee | |
Ere thou them let them any parte of thys scyence know or see | |
Son: | That Oath Father I am now ready to take |
And therein my vow to Jesus Christ I will make | |
Fa: | Yet soe I will not teach thee properli |
Of the measure the tyme wherefore and why. | |
Son: | And so likewise will I do said Merlyn truly. |
Fa: | And upon thys Condicion I wyl tech thee Son be of good cheere |
Then Merlyn made this Oath the sooth for to say me | |
And then the Science of thys Father he began to frame. | |
Son: | And saie ffather how shall we begyn |
Fa: | In principio Son begin |
With the helpe and grace of Jhesus | |
The begynnying shalbe thus. | |
First a father and a mother you must have beforne | |
And a Chyld of them shall be conceived and borne | |
For without a woman this thyng canot be doe | |
But hyr helpe and worke must be ther unto | |
Son: | Quoth Merlyn to me yt ys gret mervel |
That womans helpe should there unto avail. | |
Fa: | May a Chyld wythout a woman into the world be brought |
Son: | Nay truly quoth Merlyn that maye yt nought. |
Fa: | Truly Son no more canst thou the Elixir make |
Except thou the helpe of a woman thereto take | |
For thou mayst see in Scripture thee beforne | |
How a Child of a Mother ys conceived and borne | |
By a token thereof thou cannot misse | |
For when the matrix of a woman receiving the sperme of Man | |
The Chylde ys conceived soone and than | |
The matrix of a woman closeth truly soe | |
That no foule matter cometh then thereto | |
And therfore take thou heede of thys ensample in the beginning, | |
To close well the vessell, from any maner of thynge | |
For if any Corrupcon come where the chylde ys | |
It might never ingender then to be a man I wys | |
No more shale truli thy work yf ani evil ayre come thereto | |
And therefore close thy vessel well as thou shouldst doe | |
That alle thie matter may therein abyde | |
And not to go oute on never a side. | |
Forty two dayes so let yt stand | |
And then undoe it with thy hand | |
For then ys the chyld borne and so forth brought. | |
Son: | Then sayde Merlyn thys understand I nought |
Who shall the chyldes father be. | |
Fa: | Silos son thus reade me |
And the moder Anul shalbe hyr name | |
Son: | And no Moder els quoth Merlyn but the same. |
Fa: | Truly quoth Morien yt wyle non other be |
And theie schale dwelle in a lowe Cuntrie | |
And in a stronge Citty welle walled aboute | |
That theie of there Enimyes thereof schale have no doubt | |
The Cuntrie ys full good ingresse | |
The wych ys called Homogenes | |
Artevallo thus call me the Citty [marg: Vitreolla] | |
And the chylds name must be Mercury | |
Son: | How high be the walles of the saide Citte |
And what wydenes wyth in them maye be | |
Fa: | Five Sitigid it may be of wydenesse |
And but lide narrower thereto I gesse | |
And one sedep of hight sediprimus [marg: 1½ height] | |
And of the wydeness of five setigiderus. | |
Son: | Whereby live they quoth Merlyn |
Fa: | Redrosman ys their meate and their drinke quoth Morien |
Whiles they dwelle in that Citte | |
Those vittuals should wyth them be | |
The Father in that Cittee shal dye | |
But the moder shall live alway | |
And when the Chyld ys borne of the Moder free | |
Hee shalbe then brought out of the Cittee | |
And then he shalbe washed wyth water warme | |
So that the Chylde shalle take no harme | |
Looke that thou wash hym in waters twelve [marg: 12 imbib] | |
And keepe each water by yt selfe | |
And the last water wilbe then cleere | |
Without any foule matter | |
And then hast thou a chylde fayre and bryght | |
But then yt ys younge and hath no myght | |
And then to make the Chyld hardy and stronge | |
I shall thee teach ere yt be longe | |
Fyrst thou must put hym to nourishying | |
Yet know her well that schale have hym in keeping | |
That she be of meane stature | |
And alsoe bryght of Colour | |
And looke that she be of body cleane and pure | |
And also perfeit good and sure | |
And looke that she be of a longe stature | |
And not massy but in a meane measure | |
And then take unto hyr Mercury the chylde | |
And she shalle hym tayme if he be wylde | |
And wyth hyr mylke she shalle make him white | |
And then ys the Chylde of grete myght | |
Untyll he hath byne where he was borne | |
Wyth hys Moder let hym be alle naked | |
[Space in MS indicating lacuna, confirmed by missing rhyme] | |
And leave with hym both meate and drynke | |
For default of famishing | |
Soe by that tyme theie have dwelt there a long tyme | |
The Son schale by his Moder lyen | |
So that manie chyldren there schalbe borne | |
That through default of hunger they schalbe forlorne | |
And then take hym out of the Citty | |
And wash them as cleane as they may be | |
Untyll they be both faire and cleare | |
Wyth fayre lukewarme water as I said whileere | |
And thou put them to theire Gume and to none other | |
The wych wyth Mercuryes fathers brother | |
Twenty chyldren and foure and there ys the fyrst | |
And altogether him list | |
And so him XXV forth beare | |
And put then to nourish as I sayde whileere | |
And she schale keepe them faire and cleane | |
As young children ought to byn | |
Wyth her mylke wythin the towne wall | |
Tyll death comyth and slayeth them all | |
What is death quoth Merlyn I you pray | |
It ys a change quothe Morien in fay | |
Warme fire, What ys the towne wherein the chyld doth dwell. | |
It ys fusion Son I doe the tell | |
And yt would be full hygh in hyghnes | |
From the grounde to sedeprions and no lesse | |
ffor the hygher that she be | |
The Kinder mylke have shall he | |
ffor the mylke cometh out of the Ayre full sweete | |
What is yt quoth Merlyn that would I faine weete | |
It ys called Alkade without blame | |
And Auaruse ys the Nurses name | |
What shall alle the Chyldren dien | |
Yea but one quoth Moryen shall tourne to lyfe againe | |
Hoy may that be yt is marvel quoth Merlyn y wis | |
Son quoth Moryen I shale thee say at this | |
Thou shalt take the Chyldren from the Nurse true | |
And thou shalt leade them to a Maister newe | |
I but say me quoth Merlyn at this tyde | |
How longe shale they wyth the Nurse abide | |
Till they have eate their Gumme I reade | |
And they shall dye for that same deede | |
And when they are deade take them againe | |
And put them unto a Master Physitian | |
And ere nyne dayes be all ygone | |
He schale make one chylde of alle them | |
And the Maister shall give hym a new name | |
The wych ys called or said foresiall in fame | |
Son: | What schale the Masters name be then quoth Merlyn |
Fa: | Acoravenesa is a right wyse man [marg: vasa arenosa] |
And the towne wherein he doth dwell | |
Ys called Scaforusa truly to tell [marg: furnace] | |
Son: | Yt ys a wonderous Medcen quoth Merlyn so mought I thryve |
That maketh againe the chylde to live | |
Fa: | It is Trofie a good monument |
Jesus to the chylde did sende | |
Son: | How longe schale thys Chyld with hys Master be |
Fa: | Tyll he waxen nygh as hygh as he |
And then schale the chyld be wondrous bryght | |
Faire and strong and of great myght | |
He shalbe so furious and so strong and myghty | |
That of bodyes he shall get the victory | |
And turne them alle unto hys beames | |
For he schalbe Kyng of seaven Realmes | |
And also he schalbe a conqueror wyth the best | |
Wherever that he goe either by East or West | |
Hys fathers death recover shall he | |
And tourne them unto the sayd degree | |
Also all bodyes he wyll convert | |
Into hys fadyr & modyr being in desert | |
A thousand he wyll causen to be yelden in fyre | |
And make them of hys fathers power | |
Hee schall them make so strong of myght | |
Against 2000 that they mought well fight | |
And thus 3000 schalbe turned as I gesse | |
Unto the Emperor Osmura hys on likeness | |
Son: | What ys that Emperour they lyken alle |
Fa: | Mercury he hyght fryst and after forisiall [or "Soresiall"] |
and now ys called Osmura the Emperour | |
For of alle bodyes he beareth the flower | |
Son: | Why maie not then the Emperour have a Queene |
Yes truly Almaga hyr name shall been | |
And yet yt may be wrought as the other was | |
And of the said matter and in the said place | |
Thee same the besse a cage and do make deane | |
And then unto the Emperour thou hast a Queene | |
Of alle weomen she ys the flower | |
And the most bryghtest of faire Colour | |
And as the Emperour doeth so wyl she | |
And be as good in hyr degree | |
And thus much fruite of them may spring | |
And yet all thys ys but on thyng | |
Son: | Yes quoth Merlyn fadyr and modyr ys two |
Fa: | I quoth Moryen but I meane not so |
For truly thou maist change Silos in Anul sure | |
And also you maist change Anul into Silos with a liquor | |
Son: | What is the liquor the fadyr I pray you tel me |
Fa: | Vinagras Son thus call yt me |
Son: | It ys marvell quoth Merlyn that yt should so doe |
Fa: | Yet upon the fire white and red yt will be so |
Son: | Then understand I amiss quoth Merlyn. |
Fa: | Whie what meanest thou by Silos and anul Son. |
Son: | Sol and Luna fadyr and non other |
Fa: | Nay my son Sol ys but Silos brother |
Son: | Aha quoth Merlyn now have I understanding |
ffor in thys ys more naturall workying | |
ffadyr now thys Elixer ys illered | |
May it not be multiplyed | |
Fa: | Yes quoth Moryen that yt maie |
Twelve tymes even in one day | |
Take one parte he said of sorifiall | |
And ten of sephider, ground small | |
And XIII of Osmura or Almuya | |
And do them together into a Arocamybusa | |
and make Alcagi fire stronge and mighti power | |
Arochite and more continually the space of an hower | |
Then merke the lyon yt ys of collour sable | |
Fie on hym for he ys nothing able | |
And therefore set thyne heart and thie delight | |
To gett the lyon that ys Collour white | |
But most intyrely above every each one | |
Take him that Colloured like the Carbuncle stone | |
For that noble Lyon in especiall | |
Of all other beasts he ys most Emperiall. |
Some possible anagrammatical readings of words in this poem:
Form in text | Anagram of | Marginal Annotation |
Silos | Solis | |
Anul | Luna | |
Artevallo | Olla vetra [vitrea] | Vitreolla |
Sitigid | Digitis | Digitte |
Sedep | Pedes | |
Setigiderus | Digiti (?) | |
Sedeprions | Sedes proni (?) | |
Soresiall | Sol realis (?) | |
Acoravenesa | Vasa arenoce | Vasa arenos |
Scaforusa | Furnace |
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